Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dear you

Remember this?

we watched world cup together even though we were thousand miles apart.(apparently this picture is after the match end).
luckily, we support the same team so we shared the same feelings whenever they won or lose and make review afterwards.
then we talked about our life until 3-4am.

but that was 2 years ago.
i hope we can still watch the next world cup match together but this time not via webcam.
i want to watch the game with you from the same tv,view and angle.
i want to shout,yell and celebrate with you.
i dont want to pretend doing everything with you when the fact is you are not even in front of me.

and i also hope that you still support the same team as i am.

Are you the Schumacher reincarnate?

::spell to be cast out::

saya rindu semua orang.