just so you know,i already have my own blog before but then due to some inexplicable yet unspoken reasons i have to delete it (sangat memalukan reason itu).please,dont get flabbergasted..ok,just forget about it.now i reopen my new blog officially!!big round of applause to me!(pap..pap..pap)
personally i do think that blogging is not my thingy but more to people that value openness and willing to share their thought,feelings and so forth upon public wise.and me,kinda person that just love to share my private thought to me myself.so,dont expect me to update my blog frequently even though i will be at the front of my laptop 24 hours,metaphorically~(quite exaggerating though)
huh,since when did i have been infected by this so-called unexpected blogging disease..(literally most of my course mates already jump into this make-your-fingers-work stuff).ok,'thanks' to khairul anuar bin abdul aziz(sila blushing yer)....he requested one and since i love to comment other people's blog,i think i should have it too.just for nominal wise..now i can stand at the same line with all my course mates..dont worry,i wont vilify anybody despite of my bad-mouth..maybe this is a viable method to get through all my friends' blog.haha....(evil laugh)
what the heck with my header?erkk...actually i love charmed series..got some kind of infected by power-of-three-virus recently...=,=""...wishful speaking but i hope can be like them.(nonsense)
my next post might be nanometer skidded away from the real format of blog but i dont think that is a massive problem..ok,enough said.it's up to me and my brain to type anything here.(brain = because everything starts from the brain pass through the neurons till it stimulate my finger to hit my keyboard...*harus ke terangkan?)
ok,i should stop it already...(just cant resist my bad hobby,unstoppable typing matter)..so everyone,enjoy your day!!(*berlari2 menuju ke pantai*)lalalalala~
personally i do think that blogging is not my thingy but more to people that value openness and willing to share their thought,feelings and so forth upon public wise.and me,kinda person that just love to share my private thought to me myself.so,dont expect me to update my blog frequently even though i will be at the front of my laptop 24 hours,metaphorically~(quite exaggerating though)
huh,since when did i have been infected by this so-called unexpected blogging disease..(literally most of my course mates already jump into this make-your-fingers-work stuff).ok,'thanks' to khairul anuar bin abdul aziz(sila blushing yer)....he requested one and since i love to comment other people's blog,i think i should have it too.just for nominal wise..now i can stand at the same line with all my course mates..dont worry,i wont vilify anybody despite of my bad-mouth..maybe this is a viable method to get through all my friends' blog.haha....(evil laugh)
what the heck with my header?erkk...actually i love charmed series..got some kind of infected by power-of-three-virus recently...=,=""...wishful speaking but i hope can be like them.(nonsense)
my next post might be nanometer skidded away from the real format of blog but i dont think that is a massive problem..ok,enough said.it's up to me and my brain to type anything here.(brain = because everything starts from the brain pass through the neurons till it stimulate my finger to hit my keyboard...*harus ke terangkan?)
ok,i should stop it already...(just cant resist my bad hobby,unstoppable typing matter)..so everyone,enjoy your day!!(*berlari2 menuju ke pantai*)lalalalala~