Friday, March 23, 2012

Life Insurance

I just surrender my life insurance policy today. I've been thinking to do so since last month,actually last few months and the feelings just become immense since last month. Why? Simple. It burdens me. RM300++ monthly is alot for me. Well,cancelling the policy did costs me a few thousands, meaning that i did not get full refund for what i've paid before. I only manage to get 10% out of the total cash value. But that's ok. Money can be find and i just need to rest from paying so much things. Car, rent, bills, petrol, car maintenance, money for my parents, food and many other stuffs. Not to mention, everything is expensive nowadays.

One of my colleague did tell me that, insurance is optional. But sometimes,people tends to fully rely on insurance for their life safety instead of rely on Allah SWT. Just like," Ok,i have insurance now. My life is safe. I'm in 100% full protection." See there? It's like you are diverting your iman from Allah SWT. When i heard his words, i was startled because that was my thought all this while. I forgot about all of this coming from Allah. Allah gives you rezeki, Allah gives you obstacles and Allah gives you protection. And i keep on working, doing OTs just to make sure i have enough money to pay for my life insurance. This is sad. My only goal while working is to get money. I dont value working life anymore. He also said, if insurance is crucial and necessary, what happen to all those poor people? The dont have enough income to pay for insurance. Allah absolutely wont burden you with all these things. And one more thing, my "ex" insurance company is not Islamic based company and this is somehow doubtful. Well, i was innocent and naive when the agent approach me (He is indeed my other colleague).

That's why i was so determine to surrender my policy. Now i'am free from the burdening payment and i also have other insurance just in case; my company's insurance. In Islam, everything we do must based on DUIT; which are Doa, Usaha, Ikhtiar, Tawakkal. Eventhough i lost some amount of money, but i have to take that as 'not my rezeki'. After this, i can easily give my parents money without hesitation and save some for my future. Insya'Allah. Maybe i will buy my life insurance after a few months and surely from Islamic based company and also wont burden me with the payment.Just my 2 cents.

::spell to be cast out::

saya rindu semua orang.