I just surrender my life insurance policy today. I've been thinking to do so since last month,actually last few months and the feelings just become immense since last month. Why? Simple. It burdens me. RM300++ monthly is alot for me. Well,cancelling the policy did costs me a few thousands, meaning that i did not get full refund for what i've paid before. I only manage to get 10% out of the total cash value. But that's ok. Money can be find and i just need to rest from paying so much things. Car, rent, bills, petrol, car maintenance, money for my parents, food and many other stuffs. Not to mention, everything is expensive nowadays.
One of my colleague did tell me that, insurance is optional. But sometimes,people tends to fully rely on insurance for their life safety instead of rely on Allah SWT. Just like," Ok,i have insurance now. My life is safe. I'm in 100% full protection." See there? It's like you are diverting your iman from Allah SWT. When i heard his words, i was startled because that was my thought all this while. I forgot about all of this coming from Allah. Allah gives you rezeki, Allah gives you obstacles and Allah gives you protection. And i keep on working, doing OTs just to make sure i have enough money to pay for my life insurance. This is sad. My only goal while working is to get money. I dont value working life anymore. He also said, if insurance is crucial and necessary, what happen to all those poor people? The dont have enough income to pay for insurance. Allah absolutely wont burden you with all these things. And one more thing, my "ex" insurance company is not Islamic based company and this is somehow doubtful. Well, i was innocent and naive when the agent approach me (He is indeed my other colleague).
That's why i was so determine to surrender my policy. Now i'am free from the burdening payment and i also have other insurance just in case; my company's insurance. In Islam, everything we do must based on DUIT; which are Doa, Usaha, Ikhtiar, Tawakkal. Eventhough i lost some amount of money, but i have to take that as 'not my rezeki'. After this, i can easily give my parents money without hesitation and save some for my future. Insya'Allah. Maybe i will buy my life insurance after a few months and surely from Islamic based company and also wont burden me with the payment.Just my 2 cents.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Suatu Masa.
Ada suatu masa kita akan berasa fedup dengan sesuatu. Rasa nak menjerit, mengamuk dan mempersoalkan kenapa mesti kita lalui semua ni. Semua orang disekeliling kelihatan seolah2 musuh bagi kita. Apa saja yang disebut mereka, pasti menimbulkan perasaan sakit hati, tidak puas hati ataupun menyampah dalam diri. Dan kata2 kesat seringkali dihamburkan samada secara berkalis mahupun direct. (Depends on person and situation). Rasa nak duduk di dalam bilik, kunci pintu serapat2nya dan mengasingkan diri dari dunia luar. Lalu air mata menjadi peneman yang setia.
Ya, aku selalu melalui situasi seperti itu. Malah setiap bulan. Haha. Welcome to my PMS world, brah!
Ya, aku selalu melalui situasi seperti itu. Malah setiap bulan. Haha. Welcome to my PMS world, brah!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
My first groupon purchase
hihi. (ape kejadah gelak tibe2)
Aritu beli frollic shoes guna groupon sbb ada less. Oh,btw frollic shoes ni fold-able shoes. Mcm emergency shoes in case kasut yg dipakai tu buat kaki melecet,or patah ke, boleh pakai frollic shoes ni.

Dulu dah penah usha kasut ni,tp terpaksa pendam hasrat sbb iols mmg kedekut pun uols.sobs.
Tibe2 tgk groupon ada offer ni,terus iols beli uols!!
Harga asal, RM65 tp offer kasi RM39.hihi.
Owner tu cakap akan start delivery 12 March,tup2 tgk 13 March dah sampai parcel.
Terus try pakai dalam rumah.haha.
Anyway,nanti ada lagi die buat offer. Kali ni untuk yg ada corak2 pulak. Aku beli color pewter shell aritu.hehe.

Frollic shoes tu boleh dibeli kat sini
Eeeee,apsal suddenly jadi promoter nihhhh. Biarlah,belog iols tak femes pun. Lagipun,aku nk letak semua benda aku suke kat sini. Biarkan. Biarkan. muahahaha.
Aritu beli frollic shoes guna groupon sbb ada less. Oh,btw frollic shoes ni fold-able shoes. Mcm emergency shoes in case kasut yg dipakai tu buat kaki melecet,or patah ke, boleh pakai frollic shoes ni.
Dulu dah penah usha kasut ni,tp terpaksa pendam hasrat sbb iols mmg kedekut pun uols.sobs.
Tibe2 tgk groupon ada offer ni,terus iols beli uols!!
Harga asal, RM65 tp offer kasi RM39.hihi.
Owner tu cakap akan start delivery 12 March,tup2 tgk 13 March dah sampai parcel.
Terus try pakai dalam rumah.haha.
Anyway,nanti ada lagi die buat offer. Kali ni untuk yg ada corak2 pulak. Aku beli color pewter shell aritu.hehe.

Frollic shoes tu boleh dibeli kat sini
Eeeee,apsal suddenly jadi promoter nihhhh. Biarlah,belog iols tak femes pun. Lagipun,aku nk letak semua benda aku suke kat sini. Biarkan. Biarkan. muahahaha.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Universal Studio Singapore

Impian sejak taun lepas dah semakin selangkah ke hadapan untuk termakbul. Insya'Allah. Dulu 4 taun setengah berkampung kat Skudai tu,tapi setapak kaki pun tak penah jejak Singapore *sobs* Itula padah plan-nak-semangat-bagai-tapi-last2-hilang-ditelan-zaman =_= Lagipun dulu student lg, nk kena curi2 masa antara study,class dgn exam mmg susah.
Dan akhirnya, awal bulan 4 nanti aku dengan my wingman (wah,wingman kau.haha) which is Syazreen bakal menghiburkan diri yang lara kat USS setelah bersusah payah planning itu planning ini. Plan asal nak pegi dengan Abbas, Kerol and other wingman yg lain tapi disebabkan hal tertentu,i have to drop them from the list. bahahaha. Takdela, sbb tgk gaya mcm aku dgn Syazreen je semangat. Yang lain dengan financial issue nye,dgn work issue, dgn free time issue (urghh..padahal dah plan dari taun lepas. Anyway,malas nak fikir) And insya'Allah my brother will join us as well. Yeay! Paling tak sabar nak naik transformers ride tu. Hoho.
Seronok sebenarnye planning holiday ni. Tapi kena planning dan ajak orang2 yg supportive la. Aritu trip pegi UTM pun aku plan dgn Syaz. And aku simpan lagi ktorg punye tentative program. Tentative program jd tempat chat =_=
Next trip ingat nak ajak Syaz pegi Bandung pulak since die dah ada passport ni. Hewhewhew (urgh,gelak ape nih?!!!) Mudah-mudahan plan ni berjalan lancar. Amin.
Untuk reference aku :
USS Easy Guide
USS Website
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Family Outing

Dah dua hari berturut2 aku tengok balik family outing (of course la season 1,season 2 tak best langsung. Tukar org lagi,sape suruh) Tapi dapat tgk episod tertentu je sbb yg lain kena download. Dulu dah ada full episod, tp hilang di telan dek laptop yg gile T_T
Ingat lagi time FO famous sgt dgn budak2 SKB. Semuanya bermula bila udeen kasi aku suruh tgk. Pastu aku pegi layan kat lab. Tak ingat time tu tgh discussion plant design ke, or tgh buat PSM. Dulu busy sgt, dgn meeting itu meeting ini,discussion tu discussion ni,pastu nak siapkan PSM lg,nak kena overnight kat lab lagi. Nak kasi senang, buat meeting kat lab. Haha. Ok, berbalik topik asal,time aku tgh syok2 tgk,terkekek2 gelak sorg2, dayana pun usha la apa yg aku buat. Pastu dia minat,suruh aku kasi kat dia sbb nak tgk gak. Tup2 semua budak SKB dah berjangkit. Orang lain aku tktau la asal usul jangkitan diorg mcm mana. Haha.
Tapi mmg penyakit berbahaya betul FO ni,satu episod dah sejam setengah. Nak habiskan satu season yg ada 80++ episod tu bayangkan la brapa byk masa nk kena guna. Terpaksa la curi2 tgk time waktu senggang. Bila tgk FO ni la aku start kenal group2 idol kat korea ni, of course la mula dgn BigBang. Sampai skrg aku suka. Diorg tak mcm group2 lain yg buat2 muka comel segala. Cool gila kot. Anyway, FO memang terbaik. Lawak nak pecah perut, pastu ada benda2 baik yg boleh kita contohi (nak2 hubungan rapat diorg,sedih gile kot time episod last tu. Nangis mencurah2. Sobs).
Skrg dh tkde FO, tgk RunningMan. Nasib baik ada Jae Suk dgn Jong Kook. Terubat sikit rindu. Tapi FO tetap yg no 1 di hati aku sbb ada sentimental value. Bila tgk FO,teringat kat UTM. Teringat budak2 SKB. Skrg susah betul nak jumpa. Ada je benda menghalang. Kadang2 geram pun ada. Mana pegi ntah smgt Family Outing dulu tu.
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